Table DR
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The table DR offers various powerful output options to fit your clinical needs, including 20KW and 32KW. With this floor-mounted x-ray system, you can easily set up a fully digital radiology room at an affordable price. Benefits from the simple but ergonomic structure and advanced imaging chain, it is easy to use and easy to get excellent images, optimizing your daily workflow and improving productivity.
Simple operation and Maximize the Efficiency Focus on table-based DR exams.
Simple and compact structure
Featured by a compact structure, this floor-mounted X-ray system allows less time and cost
in installation even in limited spaces. And the simple component is incredibly easy to use
Microprocessor-controlled high-frequency generator
Large heat capacity X-ray tube
Csl flat panel detector
Real-time rotating angle display
Wide range of vertical travel
Mobile flatbed with table bucky
A fully digital solution offers highly efficient workflow.
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